Trash Easter Egg in 'About Time' Film with Rachel McAdams
Just a short post as am busy finishing off my new book 'Lionheart'! Some of my artwork has been included in a movie! How cool is that :) In fact its not the actual artwork but my font design. The film AboutTime features a character reading a copy of Andy Mulligans 'Trash' of which I produced the Artwork for the 1st Edition Hardback. The copy he is reading is the paperback, while not using my artwork still uses the font I designed! I haven't seen the film, but I have seen 'The Time Travellers Wife' (which was cool) & thats about time travelling & has Rachel McAdams in it so it must be good… The book, however is not a random inclusion, its an easter egg. AboutTime was made by Richard Curtis (Love Actually, Notting Hill, Four Weddings etc), and he will also be making 'Trash' the movie (hence why the book was thrown into AboutTime)! Trash is coming out next year (I think) and will star Martin Sheen (Apocalypse Now) and Rooney Mara (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). P.S. Cheers Raphael Cousinard for showing me this!